Saturday, December 23, 2006

Smith & Wesson M&P9

I got a bad case of the "just gots to have a 9mm semiauto" and after much looking, bought an S&W M&P 9mm. Bought it for all the "right" reasons: Good reviews (see prevous entry); great ergonomics and S&W's deserved reputation for standing behind their products. Result: Great ergonomics, great feel while shooting, fired every round I've put in it without a hitch. I just have a hard time putting the rounds around the center of the target with reasonable accuracy. Still dithering over whether it's my poor shooting skills, or the gun just isn't sighted properly. Shoots consistently ~4" low at 15 yards. When I don't get disgusted and start trying to find the "right" sight picture I can shoot reasonable groups with 90% of the rounds going in a pretty tight group. The other 10% are "oh, wow, why did I do that?" variety.

Off to the range today for one more try. If it keeps up, I may be putting this puppy on the market for one that I can shoot, or finding out how much $$$ it takes to adjust my problems onto the target.


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