Monday, August 08, 2005

Never Understimate the Power of Human Stupidity

Sunday I got to see a bass boat that was wedged into some trees, 4' off the (rising) river, on the bank of the Chick. Seems that the driver was doing 50 and lost control of the boat. He ended up with the boat wedged between the trees with the prop not touching anything. He was either coming out of a curve or into a curve when he lost it. The navigable river channel isn't that wide, is full of tree stumps and trees. It is dangerous to go full out (even with my 40hp 16-footer). Glad he didn't get hurt or hurt anyone else.

If memory serves, this boat looked like one, whose owner is known for going flat out down the river. Even in the narrow twisty, turny places. Serves him right. Twenty is as fast as anyone needs to go in that stretch.


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