Monday, May 09, 2005

Chickahominy Reservoir

The Chickahominy Reservoir has slowly turned into one of my favorite places down here. Usually fair to excellent fishing, not too crowded and absolutely scenic. If you don't like the fishing, lay back and watch the osprey, geese and ducks and other critters. A couple of weeks ago, I watched a doe cross the river in short swims to swampy islands and then a short swim across a channel.

Beaver get a bit noisy every now and then.

In the spring, you can go back into some of the slow moving tributaries where canada geese are overly plentiful. Looks like a nesting area. Lots of honking and some of them will slowly try to lead you away from the shore. If you don't follow, they come back and make a bit of noise. On the days the fishing is slow (usually most of the time I go) you can just lay back and watch the scenery go by.


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