Saturday, July 30, 2011


Buckmark Standard.  Mostly Federal 40gr lrn, SV.  Some Winchester "555".  Wanted to jam on feed with the winchester.  Shot well, ~100 rounds.

Challenger.  Not as good a control.  Sight base screws were loose or loosened up.CCI SV

Both at 15 yards.  7/30/11

Making Daylight with the 22A

Top, 100 rounds with 7" barrel, Bushnell red dot, 15 yards.  7/30/11.  Easy shooting.  Been a while since I shot it, but the 22A is a fit for me.  Federal and CCI SV ammo.

Bottom.  50 rounds with the 5.5" barrel.  Federal SV ammo.  Daylight was made with a S&W 627 shooting 158gr SWC .357. Soft load and a great shooting revolvere.

22A is fun.

422 with adjustable rear sight

Quite an improvement on my ability to control the shot placement.  Still need more work.  The pistol fired without problems.  15 yards 7/30/11