Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wheel Guns 5/24/08

Shooting wheelies is a great way to spend a morning. Started with the Single Six. Took a while to work out problems with seeing the front sight. I'm not sure if it was lighting (darker line and targets in the sunlight) or just old eyes. After 100-150 rounds I was shooting well enough to be satisfied (4" groups because I pulled a couple). SV CCI ammo seemed to do better than WalMart Bulk Federal HP's.

After 3-4 rounds getting used to the heavier trigger on the Blackhawk I started doing a fine job of making the center of the target go away. My light unique loads didn't work too well. The heavier unique loads did better, but the W231 (4.0 gr) and Bullseye (3.8 gr) did much better.

Best accuracy was with the GP100. It liked everything, but seemed to do a tad better with Bullseye. I was surprised that I did as well firing it single action or double action.

Brought the S&W police special, which hasn't been fired in 8 months. I shot low, but in the black consistently. This is still a great shooting pistol.

Wonder of wonders was that I fired the 442 with reasonable accuracy at 15 yards. I had been having a tendency to heel when I pulled the stiffer trigger. Seemed to go away yesterday. Most of the rounds were in a 6" shoot'n'see at 15 yards. I may yet figure this thing out.

All round great day. The only problem was that I only had 250 rounds of .38 ammunition.

.38 Special Loads

I had good results with 158 grain lrn shooting either 3.8 gr Bullseye or 4.0 gr W231. The Bullseye seemed to do better in my 4" GP100. The W231 seemed to be better in my 4 5/8 Blackhawk. Either were good in the S&W 442. I think either powder gives better results than my Unique loads.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ruger LCP and CZ 75B 40 mm

Five rounds from the LCP at 7 yards. 3 in the X and 2 in the 9 ring. Not a bad shooting pocket pistol.

First time I can remember firing 40 mm was with a 75B today. Had trouble seeing the front sights, but had 3 of five rounds close to the center at 15 yards. I like the way CZ's shoot.

22A, Buck Mark and P22 5/17/08

My shooting is getting a bit sloppy and it's back to basics time.

Took a while with the 22a to get any consistency. Bad hand and trigger technique. By the time I finished shooting it, I was doing 1" shoot'n'see stickers at 15 yards with groups a bit over 1". Always had one of 10 "out". The 22a was first to be fired. I fired about 150 rounds.

After shooting 9mm, I started with the Buck Mark shooting Xpert 22. Usually, I am darned accurate out of the gate with the Buck Mark. Loads of scatter with the first few rounds then settled down to pretty consistent around the 9-10 rings.

Last fired was the P22. Not bad, but I had been out for over 3 hours. All were in a 6" circle and I had different groups in the circle. Shouldn't have fired the P22. I was getting tired and rushed.

M&P9 Handloads

Range trip today was the usual .22 and the M&P. The pistol shoots a little right (1-2") at 15 yards and I have not solved the trigger. I have to relearn it each time. Ended up shooting pretty tight groups 1" right of center and 1/2" low.

I shot Wolf 125 gr ammo. Lots of folks complain about it, but I found it to be pretty good in the M&P.

My handloads were 125gr lrn with ~5gr unique (lee autodisk 0.53 mL), unique, ~4.7 (autodisk 0.49 mL) and ~4.4 gr unique (0.46 disk). Best shooting was with the 0.49 mL (~4.7 gr) loads. After I got my act together all did pretty well. the 4.7 gr loads seemed to be more consistent.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

PT1911B 5/10/08

I didn't do as well as I would have liked with the early rounds with the Taurus. Still, when I settled myself in, we shot pretty well. Reloads seem to be working well, but still more scatter with the 185 gr lswc. Need to up the load by a tenth grain or two.
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P90 5/10/08

The P90 was amazing accurate with 230 gr FMJ (5), 200 gr cmj and 185 gr lswc. Only one stove pipe with the 185 gr bullets.
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Saturday, May 03, 2008

GP100 and Blackhawk

Started with the single six to get my timing down. Fired 150 rounds, mostly Centurion. I was having trouble seeing the front sight, the revolver was wobbly and I had to relearn the trigger. Switched to the Blackhawk firing 158gr lrn with Unique and Bullseye. I think the 3.8gr bullseye was a better load. Got the Blackhawk settled down. Then went to the GP100. Best shooting of the day. I'm not sure whether it was practice, the revolver, or I just got my self together. Didn't seem to matter if I were doing SA or DA on the GP100. Targets.